If your organization is subscribed to a service level that includes anti-virus, threat protection and VPN for laptops. See the below onboarding guide.

Antivirus for Windows

Glacier has partnered with Cylance for their next-generation antivirus and endpoint protection solution for Mac devices.

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ARM CPUs are not supported at this time for CylancePROTECT


  1. Open a browser and download CylancePROTECT here
  2. Double-click the CylancePROTECT Desktop installer.
  3. On the CylancePROTECT Desktop setup window, click Install.
  4. Type the installation token provided by your Glacier administrator and click Next.
  5. Optionally, change the destination folder.
  6. Click OK to begin the installation.
  7. Click Finish to complete the installation. Ensure that the check box to launch CylancePROTECT Desktop is selected.

Threat Protection for Windows

  1. Download CylanceOPTICS here
  2. Double-click CylanceOPTICSSetup.exe.
  3. Click Install.
  4. When the installation is complete, click Close.
  5. Reboot the device.
  6. Download the NextDNS installer here.
  7. After installing, right-click on NextDNS icon in the Systray then open the Settings.